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Chemical fertilizers

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Chemical fertilizers are inorganic compounds containing the nutrients necessary for plants.

Chemical fertilizers contain nutrients in the form of various mineral salts. Depending on what nutrients are contained in them, fertilizers are divided into simple and complex. Simple (one-sided) fertilizers contain a single element of nutrition. These include phosphoric, nitrogen, potassium and micronutrients. Complex, or multi-sided, fertilizers contain two or more basic nutrients at the same time.

We export:

Potassium chloride

Potassium chloride is the most common concentrated potassium fertilizer. The nutrient content in terms of K2O is in the range of 52-62%.

 Potassium chloride can be white and pink.

 Pink potassium chloride is used for direct application to the soil, while white potassium chloride is used both for direct application to the soil and for the production of mixed nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and is also used in industry.

Potassium chloride is used on any soil as the main fertilizer

– Highly concentrated potash fertilizer for all crops — grain, vegetable, fodder, fruit and berry.

– Easily absorbed by plants.

– Enhances the resistance of plants to frost, strengthens straw, reduces damage to crops by root rot and rust, maintains the necessary water regime in them.

– Has a positive effect on the size of the crop.

– Well soluble in water.